The origin
Bidden en Vasten RK is an initiative of a number of enthusiastic Catholic young people. These young people got to know each other through the Follow-Me discipleship program . The initiative originated in 2019 after they themselves participated in a 10-day Prayer and Fasting conference by Herman Boon .
During this week they saw how God changed lives and how people experienced healing and deliverance. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully. After this week, they felt that God asked them to organize the Bidden en Vasten RK initiative. To also make Catholics acquainted with the working and power of the Holy Spirit and the power of prayer and fasting. Read more about this on our goal-page.

The initiative came into being after following a 10-day prayer and fasting conference by Herman Boon

This conference was held in Klein Sion in Leuvenheim from 19 to 26 July 2020.

This conference was held in Abdijhof Marienkroon in Nieuwkuijk from 25 to 31 July 2021.

On December 3, 2021, the Bidden en Vasten RK Foundation was established.

This conference was held from 28 to 31 January 2022 in Pilgrims House Casa Nova in Heilige Landstichting.
This conference will be held from July 24 to July 31, 2022.

The initiative came into being after following a 10-day prayer and fasting conference by Herman Boon

This conference was held in Klein Sion in Leuvenheim from 19 to 26 July 2020.

This conference was held in Abdijhof Marienkroon in Nieuwkuijk from 25 to 31 July 2021.

On December 3, 2021, the Bidden en Vasten RK Foundation was established.

This conference was held from 28 to 31 January 2022 in Pilgrims House Casa Nova in Heilige Landstichting.
This conference will be held from July 24 to July 31, 2022.