Support us!

Become a Sponsor

Why give?

As a non-profit organization / foundation, we are completely dependent on donations to continue our work. By making a donation you support our foundation and make it possible for us to continue our mission, so that more and more people can come to know Jesus and be inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit.
> Read more about our goal here.

How can you give?

Transfer a one-time or periodic donation via iDEAL or PayPal. You can also buy our Merchandise.

Become a partner!

We are grateful for all the support we have received over the
years. From the very first conference we have been financially supported by, among others  , the Leatare Foundation the Paul de Gruyter Foundation and the New Quality Foundation 

We are looking for partners who want to support us financially. Would you like more information about financially supporting  the Bidden en Vasten RK Foundation? Send an email to:

Donate through Paypal

Click the button below to make a donation via your PayPal account or by credit card via the PayPal platform.

Transfer an amount yourself

Maak je liever handmatig een bedrag naar ons over?
Gebruik dan onderstaande gegevens:

IBAN: NL67 ABNA 0107 0586 42
t.n.v.: Stichting Bidden en Vasten RK

Transfer an amount yourself

Would you rather transfer an amount to us manually?
Then use the information below:

IBAN: NL67 ABNA 0107 0586 42
Attn: Stichting Bidden en Vasten RK
‘Donation Bidden en Vasten RK’ + a short message [optional]

Yes, I want to support the Bidden en Vasten RK Foundation

Fill out the form below and support our mission!


Where does the money go to?

All donations we receive are used for various purposes. We use most of the donations to financially support participantswho really want to come, but who cannot (fully) pay the costs of our conferences. But the donations are also used to buy necessary materials, advertising work, and to absorb financial setbacks. When we receive more donations than we need, we save this for our next conferences.

If you want your donation to be used for a specific purpose, such as financially supporting participants, please put this in a message / description with your donation, or send an email to our treasurer at

Become a sponsor